Standard Policies


All BRCu students are required to have successfully completed the eCourse prior to the start of class and provide a printed “Certificate of Completion” (CoC) upon arrival. Since a student cannot be allowed into a BRCu class without completing the eCource failing to meet this requirement will result in your being considered absent and forfeiture of the course fee (see Refunds/cancellations).

Age requirements

A person must be at least 15 years of age to take a course. Minors between the ages of 15 and 18 must have consent and medical release forms signed by a parent or legal guardian. These forms must be signed in person at the beginning of class. Guardians must also provide some legal documentation of status.

Identification requirements

Students, 15 years and up, must present legal identification at the beginning of class. A state issued Drivers License, state issued Identification Card, or Passport, is acceptable.

Protective gear

When riding all students are required to wear:

  • a DOT approved helmet (we provide one if needed)
  • full fingered gloves
  • eye protection
  • shirt or jacket with long sleeves
  • long pants (no holes) of a material at least as sturdy as denim
  • sturdy over the ankle footwear with non-slip soles, preferably leather (the ankle must be completely covered).

Since a student cannot be allowed to ride without proper protective attire, failing to meet these requirements will result in dismissal from the class and forfeiture of the course fee.


If rescheduling by the student is necessary, we can accommodate this as long as the office is contacted at least 72 hours prior to the start of class. There will be a $35.00 re-scheduling fee.


Classes are non-transferable and non-refundable. There are no refunds given for cancellations, or missed classes. Students who do not complete the eCourse prior to class, or are absent, late, or leave during any part of class, for any reason, will forfeit the entire fee for the class.

We regret that this policy is necessary but, once you register, a spot is held for you, and you consume it, whether you are here or not (it could not be sold to anyone else)

Physical requirements/demands

All students must be able to ride a bicycle and capable of dealing with the physical demands of the course. We ride rain or shine, cold or hot, windy or calm so you need to be prepared for the weather extremes (rain gear is always a good idea). We will have water available but suggest that you bring snacks and your favorite non-alcoholic beverages.

Riding your own vehicle

Students may, if they choose, ride their own motorcycles however; for the BRCu students are encouraged to ride one of our training motorcycles, for most advanced courses students are required to provide their own.

If a student is riding their own vehicle (not one provided by SUMT) it must, at a minimum, conform to the following guidelines. Must pass a pre-ride inspection (T-CLOC’s) and must be licensed, tagged, and insured. Also, must be owned by participant or have written permission to be operating it, and meet the DPS and MSF requirements to be used in the course. This means the vehicle must get to the range legally, either trailered or ridden by someone who has a “class M” license.